
3 Challenge workouts for gnarly leg gains Jasminko Ibrakovic - - - - Your legs are the most powerful muscles in your body. When it comes to overall capacity for work, legs are an extremely impressive muscle group. Most people vastly underestimate the amount of damage that your legs can sustain and recover from quickly. Many people avoid leg workouts because they can be...

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Are 5-minute daily workout routines really beneficial? Antonio Diaz - - - - You might find yourself at the end of the day without getting in your workout. Should you just decide to forget about exercising for that day? No way! You can have a great workout session that lasts only about as long as a television commercial. In case you’re still a bit...

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How you should stop touching your face and why you must dokurose - - - - One of the most common ways to catch a virus is by touching a surface where the virus lives and then touching your face. This is why everyone must stop touching their face as often as we have grown accustomed to doing. The average person is estimated to touch their face between...

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Is it healthy to exercise every day? Lyubov Levitskaya - - - - Exercise is healthy, and those who live consciously are regularly active. The health benefits of exercising regularly are numerous. But one person might think that it is enough to exercise once or twice a week, while another prefers to exercise every day. But is daily intensive exercise actually good for your...

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Four tips to help prevent breast cancer Vanatchanan - - - - Breast cancer. Just the name of this disease puts fear in the heart of every woman. It’s a scary disease and if you’re an American woman, there is a 1 in 8 chance you’ll get it. Yet you don’t have to feel helpless. There are things you can do to help prevent...

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4 Reasons why you should try archery Carlos Caetano - - - - If you have ever watched someone shoot a bow and arrow and marveled at how wonderful it looks, you aren’t alone. Archery was once the primary way for humans to shoot and kill animals for meat and survival, and most states still have certain days set aside for archery season. However,...

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The benefits of listening to music while you train Bobex-73 - - - - Distraction The first benefit is that music can be the best kind of distraction for you when you are working out. This means that you are going to be less aware of how much you are exerting your body. This is the type of distraction that can help your workout performance by...

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Can someone be allergic to exercise?

- - - - This is quite an interesting topic to talk about, isn’t it? Most lazy people probably at one point in their lives would say, “I couldn’t walk a mile without feeling dizzy.” They might also have sarcastically said that they are allergic to exercises. Surprisingly, this actually turns out to be true, and there’s one...

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When is the right time to exercise? bbernard - - - - For most of us working out is such a chore that if we succeed in making it to the gym or out for a run at all, it is an accomplishment. However, if we want to make the most of our exercise, simply turning up is not enough. A key question that...

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What does diabetes do to the body?

- - - - When people speak of diabetes, thoughts generally first turn to blood sugar. However, diabetes is a disease that has far-reaching effects on the body. It can literally affect you from your head on down to your toes. Here are just a few ways in which this disease can impact the body. One significant way...

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