
The Best Pillows for Sleeping No Matter How You Sleep

Sleep is just as crucial for your overall health as what you eat and how you move. It can help with stress, anxiety, and recovery, and aids in your general self-care, so having a good pillow is crucial. Having the best pillow for sleeping — for however you sleep — can help level up your slumber game and guarantee a...

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Why Positive Self-Talk Matters So Much

Learning to speak to yourself in a different way can be challenging — just like cultivating body positivity — but practicing positive self-talk is well worth the effort. “It is really important to try to balance out your thinking patterns because thoughts precede all of our emotions,” says Judy Ho, Ph.D., a clinical and forensic neuropsychologist and author of Stop Self-Sabotage. “Our...

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Want More Restful Nights? Here’s How to Get More Deep Sleep

Sleeping is like eating: It’s essential to our survival, and starving yourself of sleep is a bad idea. Getting good-quality sleep is similar to good-quality nutrition. We spend a lot of time learning about balanced diets, but what exactly constitutes a good night’s sleep? Here are tips for how to get more sleep. Benefits of Deep Sleep Not...

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Expert Tips to Relieve Spring Allergies

Spring means sunshine, singing birds, budding flowers — and spring allergies. Spring — March to June, depending on where you live — is prime time for sneezing, itchy eyes, runny nose, congestion, and watery eyes. That’s because spring means pollen. “Trees and grasses release these tiny grains into the air to fertilize other plants,” explains Neeta Ogden, M.D., member...

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Are You Using Negative Motivation to Get Results?

In fitness and life, not all motivation is created equal. Some motivation not only inspires us to get out of our chairs and into our running gear, but also keeps us happy and fulfilled. Other forms of motivation, like negative motivation, may keep us going (for a time), but they don’t exactly fill us with warm fuzzies. And...

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How to Get Rid of Cellulite: 5 Expert Tips

First, the bummer news: Despite late-night infomercials and social media ads that claim otherwise, there are no nifty gadgets, creams, or supplements that can “blast away” cellulite for good. Now, the good news: There are a few ways to minimize its appearance. “While it’s tough to completely get rid of cellulite, you can reduce its appearance by losing...

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8 Ways to Cope with Holiday Stress

Let’s be honest. ‘Tis the season to feel a bit stressed out. The holidays are a joyous time of year but also overwhelming — lots of people to catch up with, tons of gifts to buy, and so much work to manage it all. As the season approaches, so does “hangxiety” (aka holiday anxiety). While we can’t relieve...

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Are You an Optimist or Toxically Positive? Spot the Signs

Mindset is a critical, often overlooked component of health — especially as we learn to view health beyond outward appearance. Ditching negative thoughts is a good first step, but replacing them with a “good vibes only” mentality can be equally detrimental, a state of mind referred to increasingly as toxic positivity. A wholesale rejection of negativity in all...

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Ignite Your Spark With Mindset on BODi

If you’ve ever taken a deep breath before jumping into a difficult task, struck a power pose before an important meeting, or jotted down three things you’re grateful for before sleep, then you already know. You know that a positive mindset can make all the difference in your day, your week, and your life. But, as powerful as...

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How to Boost Your Self-Esteem With Exercise

If your self-esteem is in the dumps, you owe it to yourself to lift it up. After all, learning how to build self-esteem will only make you a happier, healthier person. Luckily, improving self-esteem isn’t rocket science. In fact, focusing on just one key habit can help propel you along the path to high self-esteem. We’re talking about...

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